真的有点对不起提前四个月就在放的预告片预告片中设置了像是《我女朋友的母亲2.整视频有翻译》的悬念(伪造的犯罪)可片中女性中心、失败者、中老年人、欺诈、不甚专注的art life这些元素堆在一起对可能潜在的电影支持者(女性、中老年人)简直就是一种打击没人喜欢没有个性的loser life(收到观众支持的成功案例参见同期和早前几周上映的几部类似电影:The wife、The bookshop、The Children Act、Colette、The Old Man and the Gun)而且“呆头鹅”式的“真实”表演感觉就像是看到停车场或地铁站旁的讨钱者一样廉价
Jackie Chan's hair grows between shots. This is because before he made this movie, his hair was always long, but he cut it for this movie. However, after his accident, when he fell from a tree onto rocks nearly killing himself, he considered having long hair to be lucky and grew it again.