J: Cloe... C: What? J: When you first came to CTU... I never thought it was gona be you... that was going to cover my back all this years. And I know that everything that you did today was trying to protect me. I know that... Thank you. C: Good luck, Jack. J: Yeah.
“You are the first moral ever to use his mind, and you understand there is always something to learn”奥德修斯这个老狐狸不愧是雅典娜站队的英雄最后回家那段最能体现他的性格方方面面把握的非常好“凡事皆有度”本人队友能救就救女人半夜莲花开很难受怎么办不能救也不内疚抱着美女还是想起了老婆回到家也不忘记先试探老婆变没变心道德谋略用的恰到好处还保证了意识不被潜意识侵袭波赛冬处处作对也避免了自我膨胀内心最强大的英雄没有之一(虽然我还是更喜欢阿基里斯