One's eloquence can significantly magnify the convincingness of his/her judgement, in any age - it's both an advantage and responsibility. And hopefully, our age's KOLs are wise and moral enough to avoid being misleaders... P.S. Among the exciting speeches of the barristers, such humorous comments from the judge as "considering the rubbish that is being talked nowadays, you're missing very little" subtly adjusted the atmosphere of the court sessions and kept the plot well-balanced with tension and relaxation.
Indio是一个穷凶极恶的通缉犯他伙同他的团伙屡次作案他有一个怀表狂C亲女的文H每次大开杀戒之前都会看一看表表上有一个女人的照片赏金猎人Manco正在追捕Indio而另外一个赏金猎人Colonel Douglas Mortimer也在追捕同样的目标两人一开始都看对方不顺眼后来才决定一起追捕Indio两人得知Indio准备去抢劫银行于是定下计谋让Monco加入Indio的团队之后再和Mortimer来个里应外合后来两人不慎被Indio所抓获到底Manco和Mortimer能否除掉Indio而Indio怀表里那个女人正是被匪首奸杀而死双方以决斗的形式被男主射杀;