最后一集生生的拔高了整部剧的逼格(一点点)而且还是靠的拍摄手法而不是剧情剧情的话实在是有点 single-fold之前看desperate housewives 什么的哪个主妇手里没几条人命而且除了杀人还有老公、孩子、生计等等一系列问题要解决实在是没必要因为杀个人就 yab yab yab而且这部剧的编剧就是desperate housewives 的编剧啊打三星主要是被 karl 、simone 还有 Tommy 的感情感动了这种纯与真挚妈妈的朋友5虽然非常极其不现实但是真的很能戳到我让我觉得 maybe somewhere out there, there are people who are leading such marvelous lives.
What a masterpiece! Every single episode is directed by the legendary Soderbergh so with each frame you can feel the drama or tension shining through. The knick is an incredible series with too real medical scenes, which may be hard for the weak stomachs. But anyways, do yourself a favor and watch this incredible show.