3.5 i watched it like i fell asleep, slowly and then all at once. First,i felt in love with the first half of the book only to be disappointed with the rest; second, as film it isn't as good as NOW IS GOOD of the same genre. third, it deletes my favorite scene in the book.
⒈开场不久听到 Taylor Swift 的时瞬间穿越到《德田重男禁断介护》然后孤注一掷免费完整版是因为版权费贵所以就使用了四次吗⒉作为一部侦探推理破案片电影本身的故事逻辑却有各种问题尤其是那些生拼硬凑的搞笑片段时常让我感觉与本片水土不服;⒊联合编剧们再一次缺席众网站的编剧一栏;……