Psychology tag might suit it better. What fairy tales never tell you is the iridescence you find also drops into flat, satin and gloss, and it's just a matter of time, but some part of it will survive the daily tear and wear and seep through your armor and you'll find there's truly nothing can compare. Until then, stay hopeful.
20年夏天在朋友老家的图书馆一口气看了前五集之后就搁置了今年3月重新燃起了对哲学的热情又开始继续这一系列课每一节都记了生词和笔记中途感觉没动力了30多节开始甚至对哲学完全没了兴趣一群哲学家花几千年讨论我不那么关心的话题缘之空最后也给不出一个结论真是觉得没意思呀不过刚刚把最后一节课看完Hank说的话让我重新找回了信心做一个民间哲学家always questionlive my own life…家里还有两本很厚的哲学书等着我临幸也许会看着目录挑感兴趣的看没机会全部通读了累呀疲呀