“We are smarter,but they are stronger”四个经历了无数时代更迭的老电影人对电影事业的坚守可惜在这样的国家永远看不到希望最喜欢自导自演的部分
在无力的悲剧面前再沉闷的冗长都不会显得多余…我只能说Sidney不该有那样惨烈的结局…他从头到尾只做过一件错事多人+高CH海棠就是背叛且欺骗melody但那也不至于要他眼睁睁看着mel死在自己面前啊幽暗的电梯里看着无法呼吸的爱人一点点失去意识她的脸颊还是湿的她的泪在他手心里还是温热的可她还是一点点冷下去了…这一幕会给Sidney带来多大的愧疚和冲击比起同学的自杀mel的死简直压垮了他是啊谁能承受这样巨大的负罪感和痛苦呢他又是那样敏感的作家我不喜欢这样的阴郁从一开始就是三个年龄段的悲剧同时展开就表明了结局的惨烈、笃定太可哭太可恶了 when you are finished falling in love with me, you know where the door is.
I think when you walk in to a Disney feature you expected it to be emotionally safe in this Disney bubble or filter of the world outside however this show kinda flip my expectations in a good way and I like how they still manage to stay in that happy bubble in the end in a logical and heartwarming way.