maybe being young isn’t just ridiculous, because there are a lot of benefits. Like having fuck all responsibilities. And maybe the only problem with being young is all the grown-ups in the world who need to sort their shit out and stop acting like boring old adults.这一季最让人感动的是姐妹俩的父亲开始逐渐对兄弟俩有了改观 逐渐把他们当成一家人
“被这样指控是所有男生最坏的噩梦”“那你知道所有女性最坏的噩梦是什么吗” 这个世界对女生的恶意究竟有多大从电影一开始连珠炮般的“Fuck her”便可以看出Cassie自始自终都不是什么超级英雄她无法像Harley Quinn一样大杀四方若要伤敌一千只得自损八百片名很有趣如果对比一下Nina、Cassie和Ryan、Al的命运会惊奇地发现并没有promising young woman只有promising young man