突然有点 get 到上海的好了与其说是什么文化倒不如说是长期的财富聚集带来的普遍的选择自由——不是说高端低端也不是说每个人选择的情况多种多样而是说可选择的余地很大所以想选确实可以随便选——因此似乎所有角色刺陵高清下载甚至是鞋匠都在生活而不只是生存经济基础决定上层建筑文化都是物质积淀出来的我相信50年后到我死的时候在社会主义中国各地的人都已经懂得了生活的自由也都可以活得浪漫像是神话
Because we don't know when we will die, We get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Things happen only a certain number of times, and a small number really. How many times will you remember an afternoon of your childhood and afternoon so deeply a part of you that you cann't be without it? Maybe four or five times, perhaps not even that