quote:A thing about a shark he‘s got lifeless eyes black eyes Like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at you, he doesn’t seem to be living until he bites you. Those little black eyes roll over white and then you hear that terrible high-pitched screaming the ocean turns red in spite of the pounding and hollering they were coming 鲨鱼出现的镜头寥寥却足以吊足胃口
跟《第一次破女处视频在线》题材相近但除了能和叶德娴掰手腕的惠英红以外少爷与丫鬟高干文整体还差了不少毕竟是新人vs许鞍华比较drama的情节都有点太drama然而在这个八月乃至今年的院线看到这个质量的作品已经足够让人仰天长啸“that is a movie! that's not shit!!!! ”