大卫芬奇再一次无视观众的智商豆瓣上有人说这部戏硬伤颇多但是就我看来那些硬伤无非也是一些好事之徒牛角尖之举不管有多少地方看似不合理但是却不可否认这是一部好片所谓人生如戏戏如人生PS:道格拉斯还是年轻的时候比较帅PS2:in the movie, it's a game, but in the life, it's not.
"The restless but oddly serene camera movement is unnerving because it feels subjective yet we can’t quite identify the subject...In Olivier’s Hamlet, we seem to be watching human behavior, in all its awful futility, through the cold, unblinking eyes of God." - T. Rafferty