I just can't figure out why they put "How Do I" as the ending song. Maybe many people have the same question so that's why the song was nominated for both an Oscar as Best Original Song and a Razzie as Worst Original Song. Funny trivia,lol.
让我想起来那些曾经的向往生活也还没有完全错失那些让你坚持下去为未来制造意义的瞬间——this is the ride. 也对foster care的存在意义有了那么点正面的印象没有经营的细节就没有生活男男漫画车车好快的车车图CP漫画图虽然此时此刻你根本就不知道这个细节的意义何在还是不要那么快的消解它的意义吧