There are three types of people who, as you say, "flash cheese": people who don't know any better, people who are seeking to intimidate, and people like me, who wish with every fiber of their being that someone would try to take it from them.
本来想看另外一部天鹅挽歌结果下载完打开看到的却是一部文艺公路老基片…非常美国非常小镇落后小镇里仍有时代变迁Bless hand holding in Applebees. 没出过远门却刻意上口的异域口音Vivante and generous tips. 流浪、迷途和失去太多太多的失去Highs and lows. Lots and lots and lots of lows. 只愿最后总会有和解和解脱What kind of legacy will you leave behind?