春天看这么一部献礼“北漂”少女浪漫与成长的电影真是太应景了☘️ 影院里秒变嘤嘤怪前一个小时的清澈爱情令人沉醉国产A√精品区二区三区四区甚至就这样一直看着他们走下去不愿回到现实… 从罗南首次踏上渡轮挥别时就忍不住祈祷“Plz be nice to that young lady!” Finally the young lady and the good lads are happy together, that‘s sweet❤️. #Brooklyn PS.罗南真的太配绿色了☺️快和老邓生一个球队不一个国家一个大洲一个宇宙后一个小时什么鬼回家被闺蜜和老妈安排相亲你结婚了就不要露缝啊差点以为备胎上位我太喜欢“意大利”那孩子了声音低沉有磁性温文尔雅翘唇很美幸好最后是HE
What's up with Twin Peaks and pies! :P Old time-y TV has this...sense of savoring the mood with random scenery shots or prolonged shots of people going about. It is interesting to hear how they used to use sounds and music in storytelling. The story is engaging and intriguing, perfect for a small-town crime drama that's bigger than it meets the eye