Fantasies have to be unrealistic. Because the moment, the second that you get what you seek you don't, you can't want it anymore. In order to continue to exist, desire must have its objects perpetually absent.
虽然古早 拍摄手法朴实无比 但是representation matters, narrative matters;拉拉的能动性主体性和欲望拉满 在一个不需要架空的叙事结构上 be like 现实如此糟糕 full of masculinity crisis 但仍然可以尽情享受爱欲和自由(一种无比傲娇的自我赋权) 虽然曲折 但不粘稠不矫情 通透 (和自己妈妈最后关系突然缓和有点尴尬)女主的INTJ人格过于明显哈哈哈 打开“心”(新)世界了