比利怀德每拍一部这种rapid fire comedy是不是都要在影史最佳喜剧中抢占一席密集的政治笑话中个人笑得最满地找牙的一幕还是赫鲁晓夫的大头像伴随着马刀舞哐当一声掉下来后露出低下的斯大林像以及在拍摄中途柏林墙就建起来了倒是讽刺地印证了那个倒错的situation in Berlin is desperate but not serious...
很好的(政治)喜剧 结局很精彩出人意料 但中间诸多讽刺并无新意人物也有着漫画式的夸张 中间很多对苏共的讽刺看着笑着竟生出几分心酸 -Is everybody in this world corrupt? -I don't know everybody. -Maybe we should liquidate the whole human race and start all over again! -Look at it this way, kid. Any world that can produce Taj Mahal, William Shakespeare and striped toothpaste cant't be all bad.