受创后为病所困孤独麻木的中年妇女与在撒切尔执政背景下倍受歧视的黑人小伙两人的相遇就像放映机里的碳一样碰撞产生光以一秒二十四帧的速度略去暗隙创造生活美好的幻觉科尔曼真的是女主的不二人选最喜欢她被社会福利署带走的那一幕她可以做到对斯蒂芬怒吼“fuck off”转身只是慢慢拿起行李然后体面优雅地坐在凳子上静等警察破门而入的那一刻那一刻昭示着曾经的创痛对她的审判来临;那一刻她含泪蔑视一切给我免费播放片高清在线观看进行自己的反抗挣扎……Life, is a state of mind.摄影确实不错画面构图精致
'Harold and Maude has a freeing sense of fun, of hope, of the possibility of laughter after profound sadness.' If Harold and Maude’s relationship 'remains one of cinema’s most endearing, it’s not because of the novelty of the age chasm or the perversities society foists on such a pairing, but because of the shared experience, the utopian vision of