全程无尿点笑点密集毫不做作讽刺给力太有意思了又让我想起“遥远的欧洲有个中国叫意大利”不过更加了些优雅加了些白左加了些妈宝etc. 男主怎么可以又mean又可爱女主也白左的不讨厌最喜欢接电话那一声兴奋地dottoressa~(就觉得dottoressa眼熟居然是the best of youth里的julia泪目)
就为了Matilda De Angelis的美胴下几集结果发现实在是闷美少妇的日常对白有一个专门是钙片的网站没有太多可取之处
第五集结束前的配乐点睛了:They say the working class is dead, we're all consumers now..They say that we have moved ahead – we're all just people now.There's people doing 'frightfully well' there's others on the shelf, But never mind the second kind this is the age of self.