看似荒诞搞笑实为美国嬉皮士对战争痛苦的反思极端暴力的战场(训练营)噩梦与玩世不恭的符号同时出现和平宪章与Born to kill二者并置并与子弹构成了一个滑稽的魔鬼形象影片主题当然是性暴力与国家机器的反讽堪称库布里克版的《在厨房被夫上司强迫中文》
Long overdue. Why did I ever stop? Guess I was saving the best for last and for when I need it most. Motherhood doesn't suit this narrative, female friendship does. "A friendship between college girls is grander and more dramatic than any romance." "I want to write stories that make people feel less alone than I did, I want to make people laugh about things in life that are painful." If we'd stuck around and moved to the same city together, wouldn't this be us? Would one of us pull a Shosh and "call it": "I've come to realize how exhausting, narcissistic, and ultimately boring this dynamic is." Too real, too much water down the bridge. Ep 5 Gummies, maybe we'll all be Loreen someday
弗兰肯斯坦原来是个捡肥皂的故事E4 CP好多道林格雷和chandler搞在一起了贵圈真乱腐女福利E5 I love you enough to kill you. E7钱叔竟然是受...E8Mina就这么挂了老爷子你突然想通了这个剧费这么大劲儿不就是为了找女儿吗老爷子你找到了你女儿竟然就枪毙了她等下季