Life to me is always math.单看这部电影可能不算绝佳的艺术品可它的题材是the light of my life数学人数学魂昨天看Silverman有练习即研究具有多种特定分解方法的最小数拉马努金对哈代:1729是有两种方法分解为两个立方和的最小数抽屉里放着Hardy的数论书在stein实分析内读到Littlewood三原则原来电影里那些角色离我是那么近原来那些大师的作品GOGOGO日本免费观看电视已经摆在了我眼前今晚在A5路过一排排理科书架我有一种使命感——I want to know them.在25岁前对数学和自然科学能有深刻的理解有自己的耕耘方向这就是目标吧拉马努金和哈代的故事发生在Cambridge.如果能在剑桥拥有一间办公室那我会幸福死
-The past is the past. There's nothing I can do to change that. -There's difference between moving on and letting go. -I can fill a room or just one heart, others can have me, but I can't be shared, what am I? -Loneliness. -I feel you every move, I know your every thought, I'm with you from birth, and I will see you rot, what am I -A reflection.