笑点多歌好听迪士尼现在这种套路完全手到擒来七海NANA7MI虽然剧情非常套路但是还是愿意说好喜欢现在没有王子也不承认自己是公主以友情向搭档取而代之棒棒的迪士尼式经典劝告语句:this is not who you are. (lol) 歌竟然能听出lin的风格我不是幻听吧哈哈哈好喜欢Moana充满活力的头发~
Sigur Ros show their purification of mind by this film.
Some body may got the idea of never credit oneself as a loser before trying hard to succeed. But all i ve heard was we re all trying to be something that we re not. And i do have been so afraid of my life, that i ve missed my life.