We get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times and a very small numbers,really. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise?Perhaps 20.And yet it all seems limitless.
the best vampire film ever seen 什么叫一笑倾城,Winona就是啊TAT 奥叔年轻的时候 也帅得倾国倾城啊TAT 基努里维斯 不说了TAT 最后Monica 好久没看到她的酥胸酮体了 尼玛 总之 全方位美哭了 这片子不科学TTATT
第二部14MAY18_XXXXXL56ENDIANKINO是上帝已死拒绝天使人文复兴Prior上“像洛杉矶城一样的”天堂决定带着病痛、幸福、痛苦、欲望等一切人性中的善与恶保持人类前进的欲望但依旧祈求祝福More life. Keep moving. I bless you with moving forward | 但Prior、Luis和Joe发展成一个常见的三角关系令人略感平庸 | Joe最后的结局呢就Harper离开、与老律师的死后魂灵一吻这么交代了感觉这样收尾有点奇怪 | 先知角色或许是当时社会的现实