这种女权电影已经有毒了西方的女权主体性已经到了站在食物链顶端为所欲为气死结婚前夜的老母亲毫无悔意;强奸浪漫成性癖好然后通过女主对着强奸犯打飞机、控制到最后的杀害来反转性权力;理直气壮地搞闺蜜的男人自由主义女权已经发展到直接对调权力的性别而不讲改变强权逻辑了fuck like a man, so what? 女性的主体性只剩下钱和性最近中文字幕2018完全失去了政治的进步性对性愉悦和性权力的沉迷更多的是消费狂欢这跟抽烟的女人一样别以为整天sex就女权了不过是资本的洗脑
This ship, and her history will shortly become the care of another crew. To them and their posterity will we commit our future. They'll contunue the voyages we have begun and journey to all the undiscovered countries boldly going where no man, where no one has gone before.