A lighthearted depiction of Hollywood, a celebration of life. I was cracked up by the incisive humour, and my tears welled up for the sheer joy. The GREATEST musical of all time. | 131109重看 @资料馆米高梅影展 | 170101重看
这个片名翻译真的让我麻豆XXⅩ另类XXX乱女 目前为止我们能触碰到的科学仍有严格的边界以我自身为例了解和治疗耳鸣的一年多时间才发现我们对许多病症都归因于病症不明 人类生活在地球上与许多动物微生物等等相互共存我们吃喝拉撒喂养自己的身体食用别的生物获取能量最终也会用自己的健康和生命偿还这是一个巨大的循环 “I've requested to be buried,because I want my body to be given to nature.I want to be snacked on by plants and animals the way I have snacked on plants and animals through out my life”—请喜欢我