Peggy:“I wanted other things. One day you're there. Then all of a sudden, there's less of you. You wonder where's that part went. If it's living somewhere out side of you. And you keep thinking. Maybe you'll get it back. And then you realize. It's just gone."渐入佳境2014.1.5
邦德60周年教父三人组低俗小说三人组Smith smacks Chris... for GI Jane joke... 现场节奏有点赶床戏希望下一届更好看
人物太丰满 看着peggy慢慢变成现在这样 有点替她开心 / Joan是好姑娘
2021这个年份床戏似乎离我们太远了太远了 相对于2020它真是一个涅槃的一年 感受到他们在不断变好 但是在等待2022去亖的时刻 发现它早已爽约 因为动荡和沦丧的绝对主角不是他们 而大洋彼岸和大陆另一端真的great again and again