mother fucker I love how crazy you are is how true you are kicked out of mankind.cause you tell the truth.which you think you tell is the truth.the truth is whatever you think you know is the truth is not the truth at all.there is no truth for mankind society is why there is a society in the fucking world on is a play
watched with my private idaho. 摄影机背后的narrator就像amacord一样逼逼个不停考虑到是一镜到底镜头其实是非常好看了但其实除了炫技个人感觉并没有那么强的必要但换句话说如果不是一镜到底那么时代穿插云云也就根本不成立所以我这句所谓的批评其实可能只是因为不怎么喜欢这个电影吧野花香社区TV是个高级导演版的自说自话俄国《东南亚幼儿A+++仙踪林》吧不过金句还是非常频出的而且参考意义对于当下中国来说实在是嘻嘻~但片子本身真就是迷影艺术爱好者之选吧看服化道我宁愿看苏版战争和平(好像是在提醒我看ho)主要还是导演自己想逛博物馆逛历史逛艺术来表达吧ok我听过了