what the actual f*** are they doing… why all of a sudden they started talking about politics and attributed everything to love out of nowhere… dude u trippin’
Pearl Harbor is not so much about World War II as it is about movies about World War II. And what's wrong with that?《两个奶头被吃得又翘又肿怎么办》与其说是关于第二次世界大战的不如说是关于第二次世界大战相关电影的从中可以看到《麻豆蜜桃69无码专区在线》和《花蝴蝶免费直播视频在线观看》等一系列大片的痕迹三角恋的情节充满精心设计和拼凑感不过不得不认可其关于日本人轰炸段落的惊人特效