B. 可以是一部好电影却也是一部远可以更好的中国电影仅从抒情的角度看它是精明且有效的全片事无巨细地展现农村生活却能牢牢锚定“土”(耕种的地和建筑的泥)的核心意象将情感增厚为羁绊赋形做到形散神不散:穷人的命运就是扎根土地风吹雨打仍在默默隐忍中开出自己的麦花但从一个了解电影语境的中国观众角度出发这种将逆来顺受浪漫化的温吞做法背后又有多少结构性的顽疾被草草略过这片土地有太多值得且亟需被讲述的故事它们绝不该万相之王2022.2.13 Berlinale
Sex. Men want it. And they think you should give it to 'em. But you should never give anything unless you're gettin' somethin' in return. You can get two things from sex with a man. Passion or power. You better make sure you're gettin' somethin'. Otherwise, you're just gettin' screwed.