half humorless white male moralist bullshit, half edgelord cliche, all boring and pretentious and makes no fucking sense. How I miss the pre-Joker era when comic book movies were not all wE LiVe iN A SoCiEtY
BJIFF2022. 隐喻历史更迭的室内空间长镜头渲染的短时段连续对应的是更广尺度下的时间跳跃盛宴帷幕后的尸体是“昨日黄土陇头送白骨今宵红灯帐底卧鸳鸯”以及餐桌推下尸体推上的对位像彼此凝视的刀俎鱼肉把佛珠一个一个挤出去只能埋葬于雪原的一场噩梦正循环上演| 纵深走廊+人物渐次登场和房间穿行好适合做解谜游戏的主界面想起疑案追声| Eat your food. Love your cell. Read a lot. 这是什么我上半年的真实写照(醒醒你read的哪里够a lot