“you know what you like,that's what make you great”这句话作为本片箴言好久看到这样的励志片了动人且不落俗套男女主疯狂上分女歌星的人物承包了本片所有的真实感让一切都得以成立骄矜任性带着孩童天真又现实得可怕、一个陷入事业困境的天才歌手给我免费播放片高清在线观看简直和同样是明星助理的好友经历过一切太像了做明星助理不是真爱绝对坚持不下来所以女主转行了还转得很成功并收获了爱情真好
Still young enough to be honest. If you want to be good for them, be honest and inmerciful. "U r real. Ur room is real. Ur friends r real.Real,man,you know, real?" It's not music, it's like lifestyle maintenance or sth. [Poor actors, especially the William, no facial expressions]