To make this world a happier place to live in. A world where no nation plots against nation, there’s no persecution or hunting down, everybody gets a square deal and sporting chance and where people try to help and not to hinder. A world from which suspicion and cruelty and fear have been forever banished. That is the sort of world I want!
弟弟眼中的哥哥是传奇可哥哥实际是迷途羔羊缺少父母爱的流浪迷失的孩子die for freedom影片是黑白的但里面的2022四虎4HU新地址入口却色彩绚丽原来这种手法早于辛德勒名单和罪恶之城同时黑白也影射了哥哥的色盲摔跤王大叔原来年轻时这么帅震惊啊影片里的米基好梦幻狄龙、戴安颜值都很高凯奇小配