2001.8.17 南充立体电影院2排8号09:30票价15元第二张电影票第一次在电影院连看了三次上午进去晚上才出来买了面包、牛奶最后一次满满堂堂的人结果最后还看哭了久久草在线视频成为观影史上的独一无二 2003.10.4 60% cctv6 新津2005.5.9 学校放映室 2008.5.20 DVD home
The trailers were epic, but the actual movie is below mediocre. They should’ve done a mini-series to build up every character, I mean what was the point of me sitting there for two hours to watch something so weak that I would forget almost immediately? What did I gain??