feels like the clue of the movie is "raping". but i still wonder the producer`s thought and what they wanna deliver
粉丝自制3min预告片建筑民工肌肉臭脚健身来自温哥华电影学校(Vancouver Film School)的学生作业传言中大卫芬奇的电影版已流产期待项目重启
跟多年前看disney的木兰即视感一样不只是for asians更多是for the rich. 杨紫琼气场hold住全场印象最深刻的是Kina Grannis在唱“Can't Help Falling In Love”那句“like a river flow”本该出现新娘红毯的地上冒出湍湍流水顿然醒悟这是花仙子版本的教堂婚礼哎
我觉得真正了解披头士的人从来不会忽视小乔或者把他和林果当作the other来看待评论里有些人也很奇怪从十几岁一起坐校车到年老时最后一次见面握手四个小时的感情外人仅凭屏幕里一些采访又怎么敢妄言揣测......Paul once said,Thing is,there's a lot about me and George that the public don't know about, and I like it better that way.