我看这片的时候竟然全程是在和男主妈妈共鸣尽管她已经尽力在拯救自己的人生但是still end up a piece of shit. too many husbands and bills. stop clinging to some random men just because you are lonely. what a mess they cause! you can just be in love but not marry. 领证的执着到底是哪来的呢宗教赋予的吗/当然她的麻烦和我们小男主毫无关系小男主非常黑塞从小安静又温和倒是大女儿非常美国刻板印象分分钟恨不得魂穿她妈让她闭嘴/伊桑也是一大看点冰上奇迹尤其是其他人在长大在变老而他的变化却特别微弱
I never forgot that New Year's Eve,when Aunt Bea awakened me to watch 1944 come in. And I've never forgotten any of those people,or any of the voices we used to hear on the radio. Although the truth is, with the passing of each New Year's Eve,those voices do seem to grow dimmer and dimmer.【冰上奇迹】(属于伍迪艾伦的私家记忆电波那头流淌着奇闻轶事电波这边却是百味人生)