1. Run, Gump, just run. You clever boy. 2. Come and figure out your destiny, life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. 3.Take it easy, although this chance go away, there'll be another one along shortly. 4.Be kind to your child. 5. Be a good husband, be a good wife, love each other, do not running away.
能够做自己的心想做的事菲尔兹奖又算个什么抄三句台词1.你花一万五所受的教育用一块五就能在公共图书馆得到2.你没离开过波士顿问你艺术你可能会提出艺术书籍中的粗浅论调有关米开朗基罗你知道的很多但你不知道西斯庭教堂的气味你从没站在那儿看着美丽的天花板...问战争你会引用莎士比亚的话但你从没接近过战争看着好友吐出最后一口气...而你只是看了我的一张画就认定了解我的全部你把我的人生撕裂了3.I'm proud of what i do. It was a conscious choice.