前两天在马路上堵车听到旁边车的司机和乘客的对话说一个快递小哥本来在山东送快递听说北京挣钱多就带着一家人来北京打工30多岁过劳而死车一开动我就从那个对话里抽离了再也没往心里去今天看到不胜唏嘘sorry we missed you. 我们错过了很多故事但是有人会记得他们还在拍日本吓得不轻 中国在日本海有帮手就是这个世界最宝贵的财富
The child-like sparkles in Damon’s eyes make it so hard to believe the sophisticated, “made-of-stone” spy character that he’s portraying. Ideas such as honour, commitment and devotion seem outdated in the modern hedonistic ideology, but bear in mind they used to mean something, if not everything to our forefathers.