Togo跑过的452公里是多远大概相当于北京到呼和浩特而且是在那样的百年一遇的暴风雪里哭了好几次风景壮美无俦长云流动巨大的影子飘过雪山下的平原四处开绽的冰河上驱犬狂奔冒着李尔王式的酷烈天气指挥若定如科利奥兰纳斯而高吟亨利五世的阵前演说“我们不愿跟那样的狗死在一起……那些躺在床上的诺福的狗将会埋怨命运白洁与高校长认为它们无缘在此是受了诅咒……” The great Togo别的宠物无疑美但总还是想自己多些不会像狗这样迂这么一根筋这么“无我”地去爱、牺牲违背求生本能永远做好舍命的准备人感动之余名之为“忠”Togo和Balto所享声名的对比也很有趣【看片后遗症:坐上小薛的车后座大喊一声:Hike
After watching The Inheritance I can’t stop thinking about the choice they make in different times. Emma Thompson finally choose to leave her husband. However her husband lost his son so she was forced to stay. She was too kind but I was wondering if Henry also lost his son in the Inheritance, what will be Eric’s choice.