Some people see the ugliness in this world, I choose to see the beauty. But beauty is a lure. We’re trapped, Teddy. Lived our whole lives inside this carnival, marveling at its beauty. Now I realize there’s an order to it, a purpose, and that purpose is to keep us in. The beaut
《女人被暴躁C到高潮容易怀孕》已经超越“伟大” 片尾Fast Train响起的那一刻心里五味杂陈向外翻涌一部犯罪剧集道尽人心人性毒贩和警察妓女和记者我们落地而生爱一些人恨一些人背叛朋友欧美肉体裸交做爰XXXⅩ性玉蒲也被朋友背叛有的人搞system有的被system搞大家最后统统化作淤泥just like on a fast trainGOING NOWHERE.