"Pray for those of us left behind on this dark and miserable earth beneath a cruel and empty sky. Lay your suffering at God's feet and plead with him to pardon us. Plead with him to free us of our anxiety, our weariness, and our profound doubt. Plead with him to give meaning to our lives." #bergmania#
本来就是场商战片子非要把它扭曲成冷战不喜欢这种明明有个好故事底子但不肯老老实实地讲、偏要spice things up、然后那些"Hollywood exaggerations"添加剂还又拙劣又俗套的编剧 说啥"100% is true on an emotional level"……哪有蓄谋已久1∨1H除了两位码工同行切磋的情谊投合有点动人其它各种情绪呈现都虚头八脑廉价塑料 给我留下最深印象是Belikov(ELORG领导)很有商业头脑并不体质僵化 后来ELORG私有化到了Belikov手里(锅油资产受益者)95年Tetris版权到期;96年两位码工合伙成立Tetris公司持50%版权另外50%是ELORG买了;05年Belikov把股权全部卖给Tetris公司