Persona probes into interpersonal and intrapersonal interplay between the dominant and the submissive, the facade and the truth, rendered austere and ambiguous by detached compositions, stark lighting, as well as conflicts ignited by psychological intensity and visual intimacy.
蜘蛛侠系列最后一部太温柔太好看了我两眼热乎乎地看完了QVQ BGM好好好好听我火速搜了歌单分镜融合漫画特质好好好好看画面色彩都好好看 最棒的是剧情黑蜘蛛女蜘蛛cartoon蜘蛛俺最爱的gwen出现了又大又粗又爽18禁免费看虽然gwen在另一个世界没有救下Peter Parker晕好虐Everyone can wear this mask. Everyone can be spiderman. 我还是好喜欢aunt may这一部里的aunt may是帅酷老太太她那句“you look tired”差点把我眼泪说下来了晕 反正就是好好看 好酷 好有梗 好感动T T