男朋友带我去看了这部电影还神秘地不告诉我是什么电影说我肯定喜欢电影一开场我突然发觉三年前在this american life听到过这个故事还记得我当时在三番坐公交去学校在公交车上哭成了狗回去还专门发了一条朋友圈大概说是很久以来听过的最感人的故事电影还原度很高每一个来到异乡的中国人都能感同身受更惊喜的是电影院里的美国人们也都对片子评价很好竟然感觉挺自豪的希望这片子在国内能上映希望导演和女主都继续加油
This series is so raw, so beautiful, and so necessary. These well-written stories pull me into the changes, struggles, growth, and joy of relationships. Most of them made me cry, they were so emotionally real and I love that it takes place in the city I live in.