"When it's ready,my body will just push it out." 大敌当前万物生灵同仇敌忾被唾弃的老鼠、鸟群屡次救人类于水火最渺小的生物完成了最伟大的反击结尾微生物幻化宇宙群星的镜头全片第N+1次泪目差点五星第一场入侵人山人海调度却乱中有序群演走位毫无差错老斯功力够诺兰练很久啊
People die everyday,Frankie.Mopping floors,washing dishes.And you know what their last thought is?"I never got my shot."Because of you,Maggie got her shot.If she dies today,you know what her last thought will be?"I think I did all right."I know I could rest with that.